Top Ten Hottest Flight Attendants


Top Ten Hottest Flight Attendants

Flying the friendly skies has changed over time.  What was once a privilege reserved for wealthy elites has become a mainstream method of travel for the masses.  In the glory days of commercial airline travel, it was common place for flight attendants to be gorgeous young women.  That is still common for Virgin Airlines.

As the price of commercial airline travel dropped, let’s face it, flight attendants became more like cafeteria supervisors and less like 007 Bond girls.  However, this is a trend that reversing like Maverick on a MiG-27 fighter pilot. (Top Gun reference.. look it up)

We combed the internet and found some of the hottest flight attendants working hard in todays air workspace.


Rylie Vaught

Hottest Flight Attendants 01


Instagram: ryjvaught