Signs of a Happy Relationship


Signs of a Happy Relationship: Things Partners Say to Each Other

It has been said hundreds of times that the key to a healthy relationship is communication. Although actions speak louder than words, we get to know people mostly through conversations with them. The way couples communicate can say much about their relationships. In movies, partners declare their love in the long exquisite monologs. In reality, it is simple everyday phrases that demonstrate your true feelings and attitude to your partner. There is a nice adage – “God is in the detail” which means that you can understand the whole only by paying attention to small things. If you want to have a healthy relationship with your partner, you should never underestimate the importance of the words you say to your significant other. Relationship experts from the dating site with Russian girls compiled a list of phrases happy partners hear from each other.

“Thank you”. While in social situations saying “thank you” is a matter of common courtesy, this polite phrase means so much when you say it to your loved one. Especially, when you’ve been in a relationship for years. Usually, partners get so comfortable with each other that they start taking each other for granted. They forget to appreciate small things the other partner does for them. It’s important to be grateful to your partner and show that you appreciate every tiny thing he or she does for you.

“I love you”. You love your partner but does your partner know about your feelings? Well, you do your best to make your significant other happy and this is a powerful manifestation of your love. But apart from showing your love, it’s important to say those simple but meaningful three words – “I love you”. Happy partners say it on a daily basis without any fear of overdoing it.

“Forgive me”. As the famous song has it, “Sorry seems to be the hardest word”. But this is not about happy couples. They know what a compromise is all about and they apologize for their mistakes because even a happy relationship can’t be secured from them. They say “forgive me” not just to end an argument, but because they really mean it and want to make up.

“I’m so proud of you”. This phrase is a great confidence booster. In a healthy relationship, partners can be genuinely happy for each other’s accomplishments. And this is what distinguishes a happy relationship from a poisonous one where one partner is envious of the other partner’s successes.

“Good morning” and “Good night”. These phrases are often ignored by some experienced couples. But these greetings are as important as saying “thank you”. Some couples realize the importance of these phrases only being away from each other. In a harmonious relationship, partners start their day with “Good morning” and they never forget to wish each other sweet dreams.

“You look awesome”. Compliments are an essential part of partners’ lexicon. All people like to receive compliments but when they are made by our loved ones, they become even more valuable.

“I’m here for you”. If it’s a solid relationship, one partner is always ready to comfort the other one when something unpleasant happens. It’s easy to share some happy moments but it’s a totally different experience when you need to be a shoulder to cry on. Tough situations put relationships to the test and show how understanding, sensitive, and supportive partners are.

“Have fun”. Happy couples say this phrase without a sarcastic/ironical shade. They know that their relationship is a union of two independent personalities who need to hang out with their own families and friends periodically. They are confident in their partners, so they don’t feel suspicious and jealous. They really want them to have a good time with their close friends.


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