Retro Video Game Collecting 101

Retro Video Game Collection

Retro Video Game Collecting 101


Written by: Michael Hershberger

So, you want to collect retro video games?

Of course you do, or you wouldn’t be reading this article. Chances are, you’re like me. You grew up with video games, but growing up, video games were expensive. Now you’re an adult. You have a job, you have a life.  Sometimes you just want to feel like a kid again. Like me, you’d probably like to own and play all of those great titles that you could never afford for yourself. Maybe the kid up the street had a few titles you loved, but he never let you play because he’s a sadistic asshole. Whatever your reason, you’re ready to dive into the world of retro video game collecting. Let me give you some advice.

This hobby is expensive.

In case you haven’t noticed, due to the rising popularity of retro video game collecting, the price of retro video games has skyrocketed to astronomical heights. For some reason, games that were released by the millions are being treated as rare treasures, only to be enjoyed by the gods themselves. Games that are actually rare in numbers, whether they were “good” or not, are unbelievably expensive. Little Samson for the NES? You’d better be prepared to drop a grand. There are many contributing factors to the high price of retro gaming, but I’ll save that rant for another day. I could write a book on that subject. Rule of thumb? If it’s related to Mario, The Legend of Zelda,  Mega Man or Castlevania, you’re going to pay an inflated price in a retail setting. These facts bring me to my next point.

Don’t pay retail!

This is what makes the hobby fun. It’s all about the hunt! Nothing can compare to the satisfaction you experience when you find that rare gem in the wild, at a fraction of the price. Where do you look? Everywhere! Garage sales, flea markets, resale shops, pawn shops, Craigslist, Facebook groups, church rummage sales, relatives, coworkers, the little old lady down the street… You never know who has old video games. For example, my grandmother played many Nintendo games back in the day. The next bit of advice I have for you is very important.




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