May Davary


Girl of the Week - May Davary

Blonde. Tan. Happy.  These are three words that describe May Davary.  She is the Slickster Girl of the Week for September 27th, 2020.

What a year 2020 has been.  It seems like no matter what the human race tries to accomplish, Mother Earth is waiting with a giant middle finger and quick “FU”.  With all the negativity that is around, May likes to remind people to be happy.  She is happy inside and doesn’t worry too much about being judged for her looks.  Yes, she admits that she gets a lot of attention from men, but feels that her personality is best feature.  Some might say that she is naive, but would be the ones that aren’t happy inside?  Sit and ponder that while you gaze upon the golden bronzed beauty May Davary.