Girl of the Week Dare Waes

Dare Waes Girl of Week, babes, hot girls

Girl of the Week Dare Waes

4/29/2018, 3:05 p.m.



Slickster: You’re a obviously a fan Princess Leia from Star Wars. Did you think she got a fair death in The Last Jedi?
Dare: I am a huge Princess Leia fan but she technically didn’t die in The Last Jedi, but I think her character was needed in the return of Luke Skywalker. Because he did have a sit down conversation with her, and it was important to the story. Now I have heard she is suppose to pass in the next movie and I am curious how they are going to play that out.
Slickster: You really love showing off your booty for the camera.  How can other young ladies develop the confidence to wear thong bikinis and show their butt?
Dare: I wouldn’t say that it’s just my booty, it’s more like my confidence as a younge ladie that’s being presented on social media. I personally think that me being as confident in my body will help inspire. Other models and ladies to feel the same way towards themselves. Honestly nothing is sexier then self love.
Slickster:  What is it like to be a woman on the dating scene with all of the social media?
Dare: Social media has been a huge help to my personal success as a model.  Honestly I don’t use any dating apps like most young ladies my age do, just because I feel like if I a meant to meet someone I will meet them. Dating apps are okay but I always felt like the connection wasn’t as organic.
Slickster: Any creep ‘horror stories’ from a photo shoot?
Dare: I have been very lucky that all the photographers I work with have been professional and treated me with respect. So sorry, no crazy story’s here (thankfully!)
Slickster: What message would you like to share with the world?
Dare: The most important thing to know about me is that I would like to encourage more younge people to have self confidence and self worth. Because it’s not only attractive to them as people but can help them become more successful in life if they believe in themselves. I grew up with one side of my family being unsupportive to my acting and Modling career. I always knew I would be successful if I believed in myself, and kept working hard! As to this day with my Patreon, and acting jobs I still have to encourage myself to keep working hard in order to fulfill my goals.
I want to thank you very much for sending me these questions, and giving me a chance to show personality as well!  If anyone is interested my Patreon is\dare2plz they do have to be 18 years and older to pledge. But trust me their is allot of body positivity on there 😉


Hometown: Orlando, FL, USA

Age: 23
Height: 5′ 4″
Weight: 100 lbs
Bust: 34″
Waist: 23″
Hips: 34″
Cup: C



Model Mayhem





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