Best games on each home video game console


Playstation 3

A very expensive console at launch but one a lot of Sony fans needed, despite its lack of backwards compatibility. Number three! Borderlands. This cell shaded first person shooter made Borderlands what it is given they’re still releasing games. It mixes combat, humor, and awesome characters into one bright bloody mess. Number two. Metal Gear Solid 4. MGS 4 was great. It had a lot of what Metal Gear Fans looked for. Great story, old snake, and amazing movie like cut scenes we who have played all wanted to cry at the microwave scene near the end. Number one! Ni No Kuni Wrath of the White Witch. So you want to play an amazing eye catching game that looks exactly like an anime. Play Ni NKuni. A child and his good friend Ol’ Drippy set out on a long adventure to save his mother and what an adventure it is.


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