Best games on each home video game console



This being a Nintendo console is died out pretty quick but those who knew what games made it great are the ones who can really cherish it. Number three. Eternal Darkness Sanities Requiem. One of the few this was a rated M Nintendo released game and it is one of the greatest. With its many stars, a great deal on horror and creepy atmosphere and the sanity meter we all thought this couldn’t be real. Number two. Resident Evil 4. This is the Resident evil that moved the franchise from surveyval horror to more horror combat and is the most recognized RE game out there. Playing as Leon you go against the odds to save the president’s daughter and we just love where it takes us. Number one! Super Smash Bros Melee. This was why you had a GameCube, to sit down with 3 friends and beat the shit out of each other with favorite memorable Nintendo icons. Hundreds of hours later we still have Smash parties.


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