Motel Hell Afterthoughts

Motel Hell Fan Art
That time PETA went to far. ®K. Osbourne 2015.

Motel Hell Afterthoughts

11/8/2015 – Recently we did a compilation of Jason vs. Michael Meyers fan made films.  Thank you to all who commented and shared the post. We want to hear from you.  Which badass immortal slasher legends do you want to duke it out?  Who would win?

Motel Hell is a cult classic horror film from 1980.

Motel Hell Fan Art 2Ranging from spooky, to absurd, Motel Hell is a campy piece of horror nostalgia.  Where the studio wanted a straight ahead slasher flick, the writers and directors were ‘hell bent‘… ahem… on creating an equal mash of comedy and horror.   There are drugged out swingers who get planted in the ground in one scene which is clearly self aware.  Yet in another scene the monster cannibal, Farmer Vincent and his accomplice slice the vocal chords out four unsuspecting musicians.   When watching Motel Hell for the first time the viewer isn’t quite sure what lays ahead. (Be sure to check out our video where we discuss Motel Hell below)

Motel Hell Afterthoughts  |  By: Slickster Magazine

That being said, there is abundance of 80’s and horror movie clichés littered through out the film.  Premiering at the dawn of the decade, there is even a good amount of 1970’s homage lingering over.   Complete with a lush musical score that wanders all over the spectrum.  At point there is a Dukes of Hazzard style car chase which uses country instruments and then during the scary scenes a full studio orchestra ominously keeps the soundtrack suspenseful.   Looking back at the film that is now over 30 years old it is refreshing to see a production without CGI.  Analog music and sound with practical effects have a honesty that seem to have been lost in today’s era of movie making.

Nina Axelrod Wet T Shirt
Nina Axelrod in the wet T Shirt scene of Motel Hell.

No slasher movie would be complete with the obligatory T n’ A.

While we were reviewing Motel Hell a friend came over to help himself to our pizza. Thanks bro.. You know who you are.  At first he had a difficult time understanding the subtle work of art known as Motel Hell.  However, when the film gets to the scene where Ida attempts to kill Terry (played by Nina Alexrod), he instantly got very interested to know who the actress was.  Motel Hell, true to form, delivers in this area as well.  In the era of pre-internet the film makes an effort to cram as much of the damsel in distress’s boobs into every scene possible.  No matter if it is a random shower, a midnight scramble to escape the local sheriff or Terry throwing herself at Farmer Vincent, there is no shortage of flesh for the eyes.

Special thanks to Katie Osborne for the Motel Hell fan art!



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