How to have more free time

How to have more free time

How to have more free time.

If you’ve got the time to enjoy all the wonderful things life has to offer, there’s a chance you may not the money sufficient to do so.  Crypto-millioniares, this doesn’t apply to you, so move on.  It’s a wicked double edged sword that many young guys deal with.  They want more time to work out, party, travel, hunt, play video games, or spend time with friends and family.  This list of could go on, and you can add whatever hobbies or pastimes you enjoy.

If there was only a way to have more free time.

Unless you know something about Einstein’s Theory of Relativity we don’t, you can’t add any more hours to the day; Twenty four is all you have to work with.  So, here are a few ways that you can have more free time.

Less screen time

How to have more free time

According to some studies, Americans spend five or more hours a day on their smart phones. With Millennials, that number is even higher.  By simply litmiting your screen time on your phone, laptop, tablet, etc… you may be able to free up one to two hours easier than you thought.  A good strategy to do that is check emails at set times per day, instead of constantly.

Also, dedicate a time when you are not available to answer texts and calls. There was a time when returning calls (and texts) was appropriate the following day. That may not be the case in 2022, but learn to set boundaries on when you’re going to pick up your screen device.  By doing this, you’ll have more free time faster than you though.

Take the bus

Self driving cars are still a ways from being allowed on public streets.  In the meantime, why not let someone else do the driving for you.  Public transportation may not be as convenient as driving your own car, but it’s better for the Earth and you’ll probably save some money too.  Gasoline is at an all time high in 2022!

Try and combine the advice above with riding the bus; get your screen time while your on the bus and killed two birds with one stone.  BOOM! More free time to get after activities that you really want to engage in.

Wake up earlier

Roosters are cocks.  That’s why everyone hates them.  They get up early and wake everyone else up.  They also get laid more than anyone, so maybe this strutting cock knows something lazy guys don’t.

Set your alarm clock. (*Get a real alarm clock, not a phone, or you may fall victim to #1). Get up 30 mins earlier each day and you’ve created nearly three extra hours of free time in your week.  This isn’t new advice, but some of the most sucessful people in the history of the world follow this advice.

Declutter your living space

Have you ever lost your keys, phone, sun glasses and spent 30 minutes looking for them, only to find them in your pocket?  If yes, that’s a good sign that it’s time for you to start throwing your “stuff” away.  Decluttering is one excellent way to free up more time.  Not only does it remove distractions, it also helps you focus on which projects or tasks that are most important.  For you single guys, that might be going a date once and a while!

Hire someone

Do you want more free time?  There is a simple answer, but it is different from other ideas on this list, as it will cost you money.  The answer is; hire someone!  If your living space is dirty and you “don’t have time to clean it”, then hire a cleaning service.  If you need to change the oil on your car (Check out How To Be Manly), maybe it’s time to hire someone. Accountants make this work tenfold when it comes to taxes.

Save yourself time, and just pay someone else to do the job.