How to get a girlfriend

How to get a girlfriend

How to get a girlfriend

Getting a girlfriend is a right of passage for most guys. It carries a social stigma that pales in comparison to other achievements. Having a pretty girl holding your hand gives men confidence and earns respect among other males.  This is exactly why it’s important to know how to get a girlfriend.

Getting a girlfriend can be a double-edge sword.  As many divorced guys will tell you, they we’re never as happy as the day they broke up with their girlfriend.  Sustaining relationships takes hard work and honesty, but this is a whole different subject.  Knowing when to break up with a girlfriend who becomes manipulative, mean, or controlling is equally as important as knowing how to get a girlfriend first.

Herein are some tips, tricks and tactics for the uninitiated in getting a girl.  By no means is this a complete list, but some guidelines.  Check out our other articles on dating and Men’s health on Slickster Magazine for more information on “getting the girl”.

Be yourself

Being honest with who you are is a major component to getting a girlfriend. You can try to be someone you’re not, and you’ll fail miserably.

Pretend that you enjoy a certain type of food, music, or activities that you despise and you will fool no one. For example, taking a girl on a date to art museum (a place you haven’t been in ten years) isn’t a good idea.  You hate modern art, remember?  Why would you give your potential girlfriend a false impression of who you think she wants to be with?

Here’s another example.

There was an excellent firefighter who really liked a pretty girl.  She was a cheerleader for a professional sports team and turned heads everywhere she went.  Now, bear in mind this dude was fearless.  He would run towards danger everyday on the job without blinking an eye. When there was a emergency, he was the first firefighter geared up and ready to go.  But when it came to talking to the hot girl, he would always second guess himself about what he thought would impress her.

fire fighter

Finally, he asked her out on a date and he arranged for a romantic dinner at an expensive Italian restaurant.  Remember, this guy ate delivered pizza four nights a week, and never dressed up to go anywhere. At the beginning of the dinner things were going well, but he couldn’t keep his mind off what she was thinking. She was losing interest quickly. Right as the main course was served, his cell phone buzzed with an emergency page.  Without thinking twice, the firefighter got up, apologized to his date, threw some money on the table to cover the dinner and immediately went to his fire station. He was glad to have escaped the award first date.  She was left sitting at the table all alone and looking quite embarrassed.

What do you think happened next?

She texted him a few hours later, wanting to know how soon they could meet up again.  She was completely infatuated with him. They went on to date for quite awhile.

The morale of the story is this: When the firefighter was trying to be someone he was not, she wasn’t interested at all.  When ran out the door to answer the call to serve during the main course, she saw his true self.  The cheerleader liked what she saw, and the firefighter didn’t feel the pressure to be anyone except who he knew he was; A bad ass firefighter.

Be yourself.


The “friend zone” is when a girl is nice to you, but isn’t romantically aroused by you.  In order to get a girlfriend you have to recognize if this is happening and know when to walk away.  This can be easier said than done.  There may be a girl that you’ve set your sights on for a while, and when she shoots you down it can be hard.  Guys hate rejection, right?

There are plenty red flags that a girl has “friend zoned” you. She may say things like, “I like you as friend”, or invite others to join you when you go out.  Whatever her way of letting you know that “you’ll never get me naked”, figure it out and deal with it.

Remember, your goal is to get a girlfriend.  There is a lot of truth to the saying “nice guys finish last”.  If you get friend zoned, take a bitter pill and move on.  She isn’t interested in you and you shouldn’t continue to pay her any attention.  By being prepared to walk away from the girl that you had set your sights on might just have unintended results too.  Sometimes, by ignoring a girl she’ll be attracted to you. Weird huh?

friend zone meme

Wealth and health builds confidence

To get a girlfriend you’ll need confidence.  Nothing builds confidence like a few bucks in the bank and some old fashioned sweat in the gym.  Okay… maybe a blowjob, but that’s after you get the girl!

We’re not saying that you need a million dollars or be able to benchpress 300 pounds. Having a job, saving 5% of your paycheck, and working towards some major purchases (car, house, vacation) is enough. A potential girlfriend wants to know if you are going to be laying around smoking weed on the couch all day or earning an honest living.  A little money goes a long way, if you play your cards right.

The same logic applies to fitness.  You don’t have to be an Olympic athlete, but adding some moderate physical activity into your daily routine wouldn’t kill you.  Lifting weights, doing 20 minutes of cardio, or joining a sports team is plenty to build confidence.  As your health improves you may even surprise yourself with what you are capable of.

Get in shape finically and physically, and you will walk taller and project the confidence that will attract women.

Act like a man

You want to get a girlfriend?  Then you need to be a man.

That doesn’t mean you go out and pick a fight with a bouncer three times your size and get flattened.  But it could mean that you stand up for yourself.  A girl will be much more inclined to be your girlfriend if she knows that she’ll be safe and protected while your around.  This is a powerful subconscious indicator that you are good mate for her, and placing you in the “friend zone” would be a mistake on her part.

Kelly Levi has huge knockers

Here’s an example all men can relate too.

There’s a bully that singles you out at during the period between classes.  (If this never happened to you, then YOU are the bully) He looks for you and makes a direct line towards your locker to embarrass you.  You’d like to knock him out, but he’s huge and his toadies are backing up him up.  The next time he comes to pick on you, you tell him to knock it off.  You’re sick of his stupid act.  The bully is so shocked that you resisted, he doesn’t know what to do.  Already, you’ve stood up for yourself.

This routine repeats itself all through life.  Maybe, your supervisor at work thinks she can push you around.  Maybe, a duchebag tries to steal your parking space. Whatever the situation, stand up for yourself and be a man.  Any potential girlfriend will know that she feel safe and protected when you’re around.

Stay Positive

Getting a girlfriend is easy, if you allow yourself to think it is.  If you place mental roadblocks in your way, then you’ve already made your task harder than it is.  Stay positive and reinforce your strengths with positive self talk.

Following the guidelines presented in this blog, take inventory of what you need to do to get a girlfriend.  If you need to confront the bully at work, save some money, or hit the gym… do it!  You’ll be well on your way to getting a girlfriend in no time.  Enjoy the journey and keep a mentally upbeat attitude.  If you don’t get rejected, you’re not trying hard enough.  Don’t be scared to fail and get out there.  Being positive about getting a girlfriend is making the choice to be successful and will sustain you until you reach your goal.

Busty teen Emily Rose Kwiat smiles

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