Synthatiger, Turbo Drive, album review


3/5/2017 – This week we were sent the album, Turbo Drive,  by the German band Synthatiger.  While loyal to the aesthetic of synthwave, bits and pieces of the album could have used more polishing. Although I appreciate the attempt to add a live guitar to a program sound, the guitar work was mediocre (i.e. Turbo Drive guitar solo @ 2:58). Similarly, the vocals were well within the styles of the genre (Tears for Fears anyone?… ), however they were not as strong as I hoped.

The results of this mishmash of talented drum and bass programming with lukewarm composition, lends itself too about one lone listening. The album does not have much staying power. But don’t count band members Andre Neumann, Dustin Rockville and Marco Gross out just yet.  They have been programming video game soundtracks since 2001 and have built an impressive catalog of work over the past decade.


Turbo Drive is a wild ride through the cyber punk neon filled era of the 80’s.  Synthatiger gets an A+ for story board style of the music.  The artwork is spot on, as well as the ‘spirit’ of the album.  I can imagine this music blaring out over the speakers in some seedy spaceport bar in Blade Runner.  This is the strength of the album.


Here Synthatiger outlines the concept story that interweaves the album together in their own words…


This EP describes a journey through a world of retro new school sound. Starting with a chase out of “SYNTH CITY“.  SYNTHATIGER is trying to get away from the Cyber Police. After activating the “TURBO DRIVE“ nothing is gonna’ stop the three suspects entering into hyper space flying “BEYOND THE GRID”. Taking a break from the chase behind the borders of Synth City, everything should be quiet and calm. So SYNTHATIGER managed to get “AWAY FROM THE GALAXY…“ to find their way back home.


Over all, Turbo Drive, isn’t a bad album.  But it also didn’t blow me away like other Synthwave records have.  There wasn’t that ‘spark’ that immediately grabbed my ear and compelled me to to enter the world of SYNTH CITY.  As always, it’s up to you to make up your own mind.  Check out Synthatiger on the links below, and if you like what you hear, buy the album.


  1. I think it’s a good first EP, give it a chance I’d say!
    Cool vocals that fit within the boundaries, good artwork and even if some elements are mediocre, they’re finding their place within the Synthwave family. Love the official video too which doesn’t get a mention either?


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